Mar 18, 2012

Mystery Image Challenge #9

March 18th is finally here!!  "Why?" you may ask.  Well, I am fortunate to belong to a great group of friends on Split Coast who have formed a Mystery Image Swap.  On March 18th we can all reveal the card we made with the current challenge kit.

Linda (Gimmeahaller on SCS) is this round's hostess and she chose this adorable image from My Favorite Things.  She also included the cute circle DP that I just had to include on my card!

The image is colored with SU markers, the marshmallows are accented with a white Gelly Roll pen.  I used Flower Soft with some Dazzling Diamonds to give her scarf and gloves some texture and sparkle.  Nesties were used to cut & frame.  Bling from a local store provided some accents.  I sure hope that Linda likes my interpretation of her card kit.  It sure was a perfect one for the long winters we have up here!


  1. Beautiful! Love the image and the colors and design you used on here.

  2. Great colors! I really need to make a center split card like this!!

  3. Oh My! What a pretty card--I love how you added the dazzles to the scarf and mittens as well as the marshmallows!

  4. Wow! Wow! Wow!!! your card is so pretty! I love the colors you used... so cheerful. Makes me all warm and fuzzy... I would love one of your mugs of cocoa... and the whole card to go with it. ;)

  5. Your card is awesome- love the bling and shimmer you added- I love Hot Chocolate....making me crave some......LOL

  6. What a fun way to present this image! Great card idea!

  7. what a fun,cheery card!Puts the'winter blues' at bay for sure♥
    Love everything about it, especially how U added dimension to the scarf and mittens....adorably done and with a sweet sentiment to boot!
    Well done my friend! ♥

  8. I love me some gate fold cards - and this is no exception! Perfect layout and fun flocking.

  9. Very nice, Darlene! Love the bright bold colors that you chose for this immie! Such a fun fold and lovely use of colors/paper - I can tell you had fun with this one :) Hugs to you! 0xox

  10. Wow! Great card. I love the boldness of the colors and then the stickles to lighten it up. Great job on the challenge.
